Anti-doping Kits

Antidoping Bags

Malote com Kit Antidoping

ELC offers a system that, in the countries where it was adopted, has registered 100% of approval. Our foreign sales started in 1990, for the organizers of the World Cup in Italy. From this moment on, all the Italian Federations, including other sports such as football, have bought ELC’s system for the anti-doping exams, due to the International Olympic Committee’s recommendation. The same occurs in Spain, where the Bullfighter Federations are our clients.

The application of ELC’s system starts with sealing two glasses (proof and counterproof), where the material to be analyzed is kept. In Italy, the glasses are inserted upside down in a plastic capsule in order to be sealed with an ARN seal. For each pair of bottles, we provide two seals with the same high relief number, in polycarbonate or in polypropylene, half in blue – to seal the proof bottle, and half in orange – to seal the counterproof one.

Then, each bottle is kept inside a BB 11/13/12 bag (a blue bag for the proof and an orange bag for the counterproof), both properly closed.

It is important to mention that the European Federations were used to our ancient product (Ballzip Bag), closed with the Plik seal. However, it is also possible to implement the system with our Snapseal Bags. Finally, each pair of small bags is kept inside a bigger bag. The details concerning how to store the bottles are a responsibility of the labs or other companies that are supplied with ELC’s bags and seals.


:: Snapseal Bags ::

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  • 1-800-377-3257
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