Anchor Seals

lacres plasticos de seguranca tik an Anchor Seals

lacres plasticos de seguranca tik


Plastic Security Seal of one single piece, where the capsule is connected to the locking anchor by a thread. When the anchor is inserted under pressure in the capsule, it is impossible to remove it without leaving any tamper evidences. Made in polypropylene or in polycarbonate, the plastic Anchor seals, series A and AN features plastic threads or wire, and the latter is the most resistant one. It is impossible to have two identical seals due to the fact that, because the numbering is different in each seal. The A&AN series concern 8 basic models: A, AF, AW, AR, AFN, AWN, ARN.

lacres plasticos de seguranca tik aplicacao


  • Utility meters
  • Taximeters / tachographs
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Valves
  • Containers
  • Cash bags


  • High relief or laser marked numbering
  • Variety of threads to fit your needs
  • Variety of resins and UV additives
  • Optional: marking plier
  • High relief or laser marked personalization
  • 100% recyclable

Plastic Security Seals – Anchor seals series A & AN

A Anchor Seals in Polypropylene

It features the capsule, the anchor and wire options, ribbons and sealing plastic thread, without any numbering.

- No sealing thread, composed of capsule, anchor and no numbers).

How-to-Use Price
- Plastic thread seal, measuring 125 mm of length; 1,25mm of diameter; tensile strength: 3.5Kgf.

How-to-Use Price
- Plastic thread seal, measuring 125mm of length; 1,8mm of diameter; tensile strength: 6.5Kgf.

How-to-Use Price
- Galvanized steel ribbon seal, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30 mm; tensile strength: 20kgf.

How-to-Use Price
- Three-strand wire seal, measuring 130mm (variable from 130 to 790mm); tensile strength: 15kgf.

How-to-Use Price

AN Anchor seals in Polypropylene

Composed by capsule, anchor, high relief numbering and wire, ribbon or plastic thread options.

- No sealing thread, with high relief numbering (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- No thread sealing thread and high relief numbering (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbered seal and plastic sealing thread, measuring 125mm of length and diameter of 1.6mm; tensile strength: 5.5kgf (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief seal and plastic sealing thread, measuring 125mm of length and diameter of 1.8mm; tensile strength: 6.5kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and plastic sealing thread, measuring 125mm and diameter of 1.25mm; tensile strength: 3kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and galvanized steel ribbon, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section 2.40 x 0.30 mm; tensile strength: 20kgf (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and galvanized steel ribbon, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section 2.40 x 0.30 mm; tensile strength: 20kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and three strand stainless steel wire seal, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and three strand stainless steel wire seal, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief sequential numbering and three strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price

AN Anchor seals in Polycarbonate

- High relief numbering and no sealing thread (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and no sealing thread (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and three strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130 mm of length(variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf. (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and three-strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130 mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf. (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief sequential numbering and three strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130 mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm) and diameter of 0,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf. (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and galvanized steel ribbon, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30mm; tensile strength: 30kgf (smaller tab).

How-to-Use Price
- High relief numbering and galvanized steel ribbon, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30mm; tensile strength: 30kgf (bigger tab).

How-to-Use Price

ANL2 Anchor Seal in Polycarbonate

- No sealing thread seal with laser marked numbering and personalization. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price
- No sealing thread seal, with laser marked numbering and barcode. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price
- Laser marked numbering and personalization, with a three-strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 20kgf. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price
- Laser marked numbering and barcode, and three-strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 20kgf. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price
- Laser marked numbering and personalization, with galvanized steel ribbon measuring 130mm (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30mm; tensile strength: 30kgf. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price
- Laser marked numbering and personalization, with galvanized steel ribbon measuring 130mm (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30mm; tensile strength: 30kgf. (bigger tab)

How-to-Use Price

Squarelock Anchor Seals in Polycarbonate

– Double anchor seal, without any sealing threads, with laser marked numbering and personalization.

How-to-Use Price
- Double anchor seal, with laser marked numbering and personalization; three-strand stainless steel wire, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); diameter of 0,80,81mm; tensile strength: 15kgf.

How-to-Use Price
- Double anchor seal, with laser marked numbering and personalization, with galvanized ribbon, measuring 130mm of length (variable from 130 to 790mm); section of 2.40 x 0.30mm; tensile strength: 30kgf.

How-to-Use Price

Marking Pliers

- Marking Pliers are used to mark the capsule

#T071 Dies for the marking pliers, with the client’s logo

How-to-Use Price


The possibility of error in the numbering transcription can be eliminated with the use of our Authenticator device.

#T085 - for seals with numbered tab of 0.7/8" (smaller tab)

#T086 - for seals with numbered tab of 1.1/8" (bigger tab)

prod tik clip image051

Security Link

Only the sealing is not enough: it is necessary to register the number of the seal on the document, in order to avoid substitutions and establish responsibilities.

When sealing operations come to many thousands, as in the case of electric, water or gas meters, ELC offers a software that tracks the seal application and usage, creating a Security Link - see


Quantity: Up to 10,000 seals.
a) Polypropylene seals: yellow, blue and orange (YL, BL and OR);
b) Polycarbonate seals: yellow, blue, red and clear (YL, BL, RD and CL)
Personalization on one side of the capsule:
a) Polypropylene seals: up to 2,000, no personalization; from 2,000 to 5,000, up to 14 characters in low relief; from 5,000 to 10,000, up to 14 characters in high relief.
b) Polycarbonate seals: up to 2,000, no personalization; from 2,000 to 5,000, up to 14 laser marked characters; from 5,000 to 10,000, up to 14 high relief or laser marked characters.
Numbering: No repetition, with 7 alphanumeric high relief or laser marked digits.
Wire or ribbon length/Code: 130, 160, 250, 300, 390, 500, 790 mm (13, 16, 25, 30, 39, 50, 79 cm)

Quantity: More than 10,000 seals. Colors/Codes:
a) Polypropylene seals: dark blue, gray, brown, black, green, white, and the standard colors (DB, GY, BR, BK, GR, WH, YL, BL, OR and RD);
b) Polycarbonate seals: yellow, blue, red, green, fume, brown and clear (YL, BL, RD, GR, FM, BR and CL)
Personalization on one side of the capsule:
a) Polypropylene seals: up to 14 high relief characters.
b) Polycarbonate seals: up to 14 high relief or laser characters.
Numbering: No repetition, with 7 high relief or laser marked alphanumeric digits; optional barcode.
Wire or ribbon length: Please, consult us on other lengths.


Sealing thread material N/A Plastic wire/ribbon

stainless steel / galvanized steel

N/A Plastic


stainless steel / galvanized steel

Sealing thread size Width N/A 1,8 or 1,25 0,81mm 2,4x0,3 N/A 1,8 ou 1,25 0,81mm 2,4x0,3
  Length. N/A 125mm * * N/A 125mm * *

Inquiry by Phone

1-800-37-SEALS (73257) Or

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