Social Projects

Social Projects

“If we want to modify anything, we’d better start by the children. We should respect and educate our children in order to have a decent future” – Ayrton Senna

Children are the future of any nation and ELC believes that they can make a better society and that it is important they have access to quality care, hygiene, leisure time and attention.

In 2004, ELC has donated to the city of Paraíba do Sul an area of 55,000 m² to build a daycare in the neighborhood. In a partnership with the Eduardo Eugênio Gouveia Vieira Daycare, ELC has provided some space and medical assistance to all kids enrolled. We also organize lectures for the parents, in order to instruct them about the basic care with their children. Also, at Christmas, the kids receive presents due to ELC’s toy donation campaign and at Easter, they receive some chocolate.

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1-800-37-SEALS (73257) Or

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  • 8252 NW 30th terrace – Miami, FL 33122
  • 1-800-377-3257
  • +1(305)477-2303
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