
Quality Policy

We innovate, develop and manufacture, with excellence and flexibility, technological solutions in identification of tampering and traceability with value added, focusing on goals and results, with investments in research, continuous improvement and sustainability, surpassing market expectations and ensuring the organization's profitability.


We are committed to complying with the norms of the Organization, Customers and Suppliers with technical solutions in identification of tampering and traceability.


To innovate, develop, manufacture and improve solutions in identification of tampering and traceability, aiming to meet the needs of the market through best security and manufacturing practices.
“We seal, you profit.”


To be a worldwide reference in solutions in identification of tampering and traceability in order to ensure the security of our customers’ assets and their profitability and to be the number one in the American market.


  • Excellence, simplicity and flexibility in managing the relationships with the market.
  • Mutual respect, creating a harmonious and interdependent environment between our employees and the market.
  • Commitment to results and economic sustainability, with ethical behavior and transparency in the services we provide.
  • Proactive focus on our customers, with emphasis on innovation and creativity.
  • Zeal for the company image.


  • In the vanguard business activity, based on the boldness of creativity and innovation, simplicity, reliable information and serious negotiations.
  • In the legitimate pursuit of economic-financial results.
  • In the provision of quality services, geared to the needs of customers, as a basis for the perpetuity of the business.
  • In the creative, fulfilling and transforming capacity of the human being, in teamwork based on an entrepreneurial mindset, helping the Organization overcome challenges and limitations.
  • In participatory management and in focus on results, based on the assessment of the individual contribution, to enable people’s commitment and to add value to the business.

Environmental Policy

ELC is committed to preserving the environment, meeting legal requirements, seeking continuous improvement in our environmental management with sustainability and responsibility, focusing on the control of environmental aspects and impacts resulting from our manufacturing processes and on products designed for reuse and recycling, fostering the circular economy.

Social Responsibility Policy

ELC believes in sustainable investment, contributing to local development with initiatives in the areas of education, job creation, sports, culture, and other actions aimed at promoting citizenship and accessibility and equal opportunities. ELC complies with all legal requirements and promotes actions to respect and value social and cultural diversity, in addition to individual differences. We aim to fight inequality, discrimination and harassment, with emphasis on eradicating degrading, forced and child labor.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

ELC's principle is to protect the lives of our employees, third parties, service providers and visitors, through a safe and healthy work environment, complying with all legal requirements related to occupational safety and health, seeking continuous improvement, identifying, assessing, controlling and mitigating to the health and the safety of our collaborators.


Since 1967, ELC has specialized in the Research and Development of innovative and recyclable tamper-evident products to best serve your security needs. Over this time, ELC has often been awarded for its pioneering inventions in security technology.

ELC’s commitment to excellence in product and service quality has allowed us to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. We offer an open line of communication, with constant support, personalized services, and courtesy. Among our primary customers, there are banks, transportation companies, post-offices, weight & measures, utility companies, chemical plants, armored courier, and telecommunications.

ELC offers an incomparable line of products that includes envelopes, seals and bags, which are called Tamper-Indicating Devices.

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Security seals

  • Substitute the harmful lead seals.
  • State-of-the-art embossing in polypropylene or in polycarbonate raw material.
  • Non-repetitive alphanumeric numbers molded in high relief or printed in laser during the manufacturing process.

Selo - Lacre Tik AN

Starlock Envelope

  • Three layers co-extruted polyethylene envelope.
  • Plastic closure system: freon and heat proof.
  • Reusable version available - Environment friendly.

Envelopes de segurança Starlock

Adhesive Envelopes VOID

  • Tamper-proof adhesive.
  • Security side welding.
  • Reusable and 100% recycable.

envelope adesivo void eastar 18 rodoban

 Snapseal Bags

  • Substitute for keyed zipper bags.
  • Strong and lightweight fabrics - PVC & Nylon Cordura.
  • User-friendly tamper-evident closure system..

Malotes de segurança Snapseal

Evolution of Security Seals

1st Generation

On the first generation, security seals were made of wax, clay or resin, melted into a paste stage through heat (with wax) and moisture (with clay). It was then poured over sealing string and relief-stamped. Violators tampered the system by using heat or steam to open the packages.

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2nd Generation

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On the second generation, seals were manufactured in soft metals, such as lead and tin, which were marked and sealed with a plier. Because of the softness in the metal, violators would open the seal and reconstruct it without leaving traces of tampering.
3rd Generation

The third generation brought two major innovations: the manufacturing of self-locking plain seals and the individual hot-stamped number identification performed afterwards. However, a violator may replace that seal by forging a duplicate from a non-numbered seal, or even alter the numbers on another seal to come up with a duplicate number.

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4th Generation

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ELC has introduced the fourth generation with a brand new concept: 100 % tamper evident plastic seals with high-relief numbering molded during the manufacturing process. Each seal has a unique alphanumeric combination, as human being have their unique finger prints. There is no way to replace that seal with another one that has the same identification.

autenticador de selos de segurança em alto relevo

The system is completed with the authentifier, which makes the transcription of the seals serial number onto the manifest document. There is NO transcription errors.

5th Generation

In order to keep up with technology, ELC came up with a contemporary numbering system called “In Mold Label” (IML). Barcodes, numbers, and corporate logo are laser printed on paper, which is applied on the seals tab during the manufacturing process. Paper is fused on the seal and unable to be removed due to its protection bars. Barcodes with check digit eliminate transcription errors and maximize security.

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6th Generation

The Sixth Generation Seal

The need to control and keep track of the several steps of the sealing operation led to the coming of the 6th Generation Seal, a new generation/classification research and developed by ELC Security Products. This is the so-called Virtual Seal or Security Link, in which the tracking of the seal through the web, based on the number/code of the seal, is fully controlled, from the manufacturing phase up to the interpretation of the inspected seals and the seal thrown-out. Please access for further information about the qualities of the Virtual Seal or Security Link.


Evolution of Security Envelopes

Security Level 1 

Only in the 1970´s there came the first versions of plastic disposable envelopes, aiming at a minimum tamper-proof level, thanks to the employment of the "hot-melt" adhesive. According to the present standards, this type of envelope may be classified as Security Level 1, since they may be opened by accident, under conditions of extreme cold or heat, as well as by tampering with freon.

Envelopes Plásticos de segurança VOID
Security Levels 2 and 3 

The next evolution brought an envelope provided with an anti-tampering adhesive called Red Void, followed by the Green Void, Security Levels 2 and 3, respectively. It happens, however, that they also may be opened by accident at extreme temperatures, as well as violated through application of freon.

Security Level 5

Then ELC launched in 2005 the Pentalock Envelope, provided with two Void adhesives, to make easier an eventual tampering identification. However, its performance in extreme temperatures has the same limitations of the previous bags.

env pentalock eng

Security Level 8 

Envelopes plásticos de segurança Starlock Plus

The highest standard in Security plastic Envelopes has been reached since the 1980´s with ELC Starlock, up to now an unsurpassed tamper-indicative closure system, made in polyethylene, freon-proof and temperature-proof, with no adhesives to compromise security and recyclability. Be it mentioned, also, the Starlock Plus reusable version, closed with a low-cost disposable seal.

The Evolution of Security Bags 

Strongboxes and safes

In the past, traditional safes, wooden-made or including metallic elements, did not provide any indication of an eventual tampering.

Malotes e Madeira
Leather or canvas bags, with padlock

Malotes de Lona com cadeado

The Post-coaches adopted leather or canvas bags, closed with padlocks, what did not provide an anti-tampering control.

Bags closed with Security Seals

Brazilian Postal Service came to be closed with the ELC label-holder called Leverlock, later internationally awarded and still in current use in the bags of armored-car companies. The Leverlock is closed with a barcoded  check digit numbered seal, allowing a perfect control of the operation.

close malotes com lacre Leverlock

Malotes de Lona com selos, lacres de segurança
At the beginning of the 1980´s the Brazilian Postal Service moved from the padlock in use in the canvas bags to the ELC Security plastic Seal, which provided an anti-tampering control in bag transportation.

The next evolution, also presented by ELC, was the reusable Snapseal Bag, conceived for document and valuable transportation, but also used in anti-doping kits. Due to its features, the Snapseal Bag is pointed as the highest security level in transportation bags.
Malotes Snapseal
ELC as an inventive company

As referred above, ELC has intensively passed through all the technological evolution of the Tampering-indicative Devices. Yet, it would be unforgivable not to mention, though very briefly, its position as an inventive company in the Brazilian market, since 1967. A few companies in Brazil may be pointed out as living chiefly from what they invent, manufacture and commercialize themselves. This is the case of ELC, today with 140 patents, in Brazil and in countries of the First World, employing 500 people, with distribution companies in Miami and Rome, internationally recognized as a leading company in the market of security seals, bags and envelopes. The small entrepreneur, which commercializes its own single inventions, is well-known, but when it comes to the middle-size company or to the ones with more than 40 years in existence that only operate with products developed by themselves, it is hard to find out a situation comparable with ELC´s.

The good results reached by the enterprise occurred due to the spirit of work and tenacity of its founders and leaders, far more than to a propitious environment for the inventor entrepreneur. Contrary to developed countries, where people are open to new contributions, in Brazil there are many difficulties in the emergence of national technology. Besides the lack of financing, there is the passivity of those that control the systems that will be replaced, and, particularly when it comes to ELC, the passivity comes from the ones that are in favor of the illicit.

Finally, the state, whose purchase power is extensively used in first world countries, assumes a dubious behavior in order to subsidize the technological development of their companies in Brazil. On one hand, it offers a modern legislation of intellectual property protection. On the other hand, the government sometimes uses its purchase power against the national companies that own patents, imposing abusive conditions or simply adopting, in all situations, the lower price criterion.  This criterion privileges the old products, what means to favor the stagnation of national technology, because the new product is also composed by all research investments, which were financed by the inventor himself.

Worse than that, there is, in the plastic sector, a great deal of establishments that operate illegally, and do not pay any taxes or register employees. Their final cost has a margin of 40%, what corresponds to what was obscured. Additionally, this type of company is benefited in public biddings, considering that the government usually adopts the lower price criterion. To overcome monitoring, the illegal companies have small offices that are registered correctly. Thus, the state guarantees his price objectives, helping a company that does not pay any taxes. The government only respects the formal aspects of the law, ignoring that, besides legislation, common sense is also a principle of Community Law.

If the patented product offers technical advantages that are not covered by the others, its acquisition would be logical without any bidding. However, the government employees consider it as promoting monopoly, what reveals they do not understand what a monopoly is. The latter has nothing to do with the privilege enjoyed by inventors according to the Constitution, but it has to do with the fact that the society will give them this advantage, due to the time and resources that were invested.

Considering that the Brazilian market is still insufficient in many sectors, the inventor entrepreneur will depend on the State, far more than in the developed countries. At this point, though, their plan is destroyed.

Brazilians are extremely inventive people, but the barriers that are found for those who intend to contribute to national technology are almost impossible to overcome. ELC has been experiencing this problem for some time, and, believes that if changes are not made, we will keep on exporting primary goods and importing high technology products, whose adoption here is totally unfeasible.



band_bra_2 Company ELC Produtos de Segurança Ind. e Com.
Estrada Prefeito Antônio da Cruz Barros, 693 - Limoeiro
CEP: 25850-000 - Paraíba do Sul - RJ
Tel.: +55 (24) 2263-9500
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ELC Produtos de Segurança

Mapa ELC


band_eua_2 Company ELC Security Products
8252 NW 30th Terrace Miami, FL 33122
USA Tel.: (305) 477-2303 | Fax: (305) 477-0186
Toll Free: 800-377-3257
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

elc security products

elc security products



band_bra_2 Company SALVADOR - BA
Rua Pernambuco; 153 - Sala 412 / Edificio Esplanada Avenida - Pituba
CEP: 41.830-390 - Salvador - BA
Tels: (71) 3248-3708 / (71) 3240-6382
Cel: (71) 9971-3317
E-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
band_bra_2 Company BELO HORIZONTE - MG
Rua Madureira, 97 - A – Parque Riachuelo
CEP: 31.230-448 - Belo Horizonte - MG
Tel: (31) 3272-0710
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band_bra_2 Company GOIÂNIA - GO
Rua S-03 Quadra S-09 - Lote 13 - Sala 06 - N° 771 - Setor Bela Vista
CEP: 74823-400 - Goiânia - GO

Tel: (62) 3259-1700
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
band_bra_2 Company RECIFE - PE
Rua Capitão Rebelinho, nº 367 / 1º Andar - Sala 04 - Pina
CEP: 51011-010 - Recife - PE
Tel/Fax: (81) 3325-2800
Cel.: (81) 99972-8614 | (81) 98807-5286| (81) 996563030

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band_bra_2 Company RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ
Tel/Fax: (21) 2438-1688/2438-0907 | Cel.: (21) 97129-8111
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contato: Mauro Morais
Tel.: (51)99228-3850
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band_bra_2 Company RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ
Rua João Romariz, 169 – Ramos
CEP 21031-700 – Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (21) 3869-7034
Telefax: (21) 2564-3577
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band_bra_2 Company FORTALEZA – CE
Av. Humberto Monte, 100 – Ed. Harmony Premium – Torre Norte – Sala 503 – Pici
Fortaleza – CE
Tel: (85) 98888-1451
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band_chile Company MYG GLOBAL - CHILE
Fono: +56 99517-0461
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band africa Integrity Control Systems - ÁFRICA DO SUL
Physical address: Meerzicht Business Park, 33 Kelly road, Jet Park, 1459, Gauteng, South Africa
Tel: +2711 397 2508 / 9 | Fax: +2711 397 1916
Mobile: +2782 77 88 699
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Website link:


8252 NW 30th Terrace Miami, FL 33122
USA Tel.: (305) 477-2303
Fax: (305) 477-0186
Toll Free: 800-377-3257
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band_eua_2 Company Trovan Electronic Identification Devices, Ltd. - UNITED STATES
Tel: +1 805 565 1288
Fax: +1 805 565 1127
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band ita 2 SigiltecH srl - ITÁLIA
Via della Giustiniana, 1109
00189 – Rome (Italy)
Tel: +39 06 30360450 | fax +39 06 30360661
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: sfragistica

band inglaterra S4S Security Seals ltd - UK
7 Suffolk Road - Maidenhead - Berkshire – SL6 2TG
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 290721
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

band canada Corporate Security Supply Ltd. - CANADÁ
891 Century Street
Winnipeg, MB R3H 0M3 CANADA
Tool free: 1.800.563.5566
Tel: 1.204.989.10001.204.989.1000 | Fax: 1.204.989.1010
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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1-800-37-SEALS (73257) Or

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  • 8252 NW 30th terrace – Miami, FL 33122
  • 1-800-377-3257
  • +1(305)477-2303
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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