EB Bags

envelopes reutilizaveis envelopes ballzip Ballzipfigurativa azul& Envelacre Reusable Envelopes

envelopes reutilizaveis envelopes ballzip e envelacres


The state-of-the-art Ballzipfigurativa (EB) and Envelacre (EL) reusable envelopes, with their 100% tamper evident feature, were created to replace keyed zipper envelopes/bags. The strong, reusable, lightweight EB & EL envelopes feature high-tech "user friendly" closure system, free from burdensome keys. The inexpensive plastic seals for EB and EL envelopes are the Plik and C seals respectively.

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  • Confidential documents
  • Inter-branch mail
  • Money handling

  • Resistant PVC fabric
  • Easy handling
  • Eliminates the use of burdensome keys
  • Quick identification of tampering
  • 100% Tamper evident

Ballzipfigurativa azul & Envelacre Reusable Envelopes

Reusable Ballzipfigurativa azul Envelope- "EB" 

The envelope EB is offered in five sizes and two colors in PVC Material. Numbered envelope with internal and external access windows. Features patented 100% tamper evident closure system, sealed with the high relief numbered polypropylene Plik seal. Optional hot stamped numbering is also available for the Plik seal.

How-to-Use Price


Size (width x hight) mm/inches

Int. Window Size mm/inches

Ext. Window Size mm/inches

EB 19 #720H1927PV 190 x 270 / 7 1/2" x 10 5/8"

105 x 80 / 4 1/8" x 3 1/8"

160 x 80 / 6 1/4" x 3 1/8"

EB 24 #720H2431PV 240 x 310 / 9 1/2" x 12 1/4"

105 x 80 / 4 1/8" x 3 1/8"

160 x 80 / 6 1/4" x 3 1/8"

EB 27 #720H2736PV

270 x 360 / 10 5/8" x 14 1/8"

105 x 80 / 4 1/8" x 3 1/8"

160 x 80 / 6 1/4" x 3 1/8"

EB 31 #720H3143PV

310 x 430 / 12 1/4" x 16 7/8"

105 x 80 / 4 1/8" x 3 1/8"

160 x 80 / 6 1/4" x 3 1/8"

EB 36 #720H3636PV

360 x 360 / 14 1/8" x 14 1/8"

105 x 80 / 4 1/8" x 3 1/8"

160 x 80 / 6 1/4" x 3 1/8"

- Seal numbered with 6 alphanumeric digits molded in high relief.    

How-to-Use Price

- Available in mats of 10 seals, with a 7 digit hot stamped, without a logo.

How-to-Use Price
lacres de seguranca plik nh cartela
Plik MAT FORM of 10 units

Envelacre Reusable Envelopes - EL

The envelope EL is offered in six sizes and two colors in PVC Material. Internal access window. Features zipper closure sealed with the hot stamp numbered polypropylene C seals (Pratik CW-2).

How-to-Use Price


Size (width x hight) mm/inches

Window Size cm/inches

EL 0 #730H1112PVC

100 x 75 / 3 7/8" x 3"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

EL 1 #730H25315PVC

230 x 280 / 9" x 11"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

EL 2 #730H27365PVC

250 x 330 / 9 7/8" x 13"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

EL 3 #730H30405PVC

280 x 370 / 11" x 14 1/2"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

EL 4 #730H4050PVC

380 x 465 / 15" x 18 1/4"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

EL 6 #730H5080PVC

480 x 765 / 18 7/8" x 30 1/8"

8 x 11 / 3 1/8" x 4 3/8"

– Pratik C´s big version, in mats of 10 seals, for easy handling.


Quantity: At least 50 envelopes.
Colors/Code: Blue and orange (BL and OR).
Material: PVC KP 500 (PV).
Personalization: Up to 2 silkscreen colors.
Code: Non repetitive, with 7 hot stamped alphanumeric digits.
Window: Internal and external access for the “EB” envelope. Only internal access for the "EL" envelope".


Quantity: More than 500 envelopes.
Colors/Code: Yellow, green, brown, dark blue, red, blue and orange (YL, GR, BR, DB, RD, BL and OR).
Material: PVC KP 1000 (PV).
Personalization: Up to 2 colors in silkscreen.
Code: Non repetitive, with 7 hot stamped alphanumeric digits.
Window: Internal and external access for both “EB” and “EL” envelopes.

(Plik and Pratik CW-2 NH Seals): Made in polypropylene in yellow, orange and red (YL, BL, OR and RD). Unduplicated serial numbers with 7 digits in hot stamp. Company logo or in high relief (Plik N) and initials in hot stamp (Pratik C2N).

Inquiry by Phone

1-800-37-SEALS (73257) Or

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