Oxy-biodegradable additive products

Oxy-biodegradable additive products

exibiodegradavel d2wIt is a plastic product that receives a special additive from metals such as cobalt, manganese or iron in very small quantities.

This additive initiates an accelerated decomposition of plastic through the activation by sunlight and rainwater. Plastic in this way, which originally would take 400 years to degrade in the environment, begins to decompose in 3 to 10 years.

The percentage of additive can be adapted, and the rate of degradation occurs between 3 to 10 years. ELC usually works with a 7 year degradation period.

The biodegradable plastic additive can be detected by special equipment, which guarantees the quality of the product. In addition, the manufacturer holds an audit with the customers to certify there are no discrepancies in the addition of the additive, avoiding fraud.

ELC is approved in oxy-biodegradable technology by companies: Symphony d2w (England) and Willow Ridge. (USA)
The intermediate product of oxy-biodegradable plastic degradation is the micro particulate plastic that can be absorbed by the marine life, so it is not recommended to dispose this product in the sea.

Oxy-biodegradable additive products follow the standards ASTM 6954 and BS 8472.

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